June 23, 2004

Republican Lies on Ahmad Hikmat Shakir al-Azzawi

So here's how it works. Cheney lies to us about Sadam and Al-Qaeda, the rest of the gang back him up. The 9-11 commission, after Bush attempted to underfund and block it, concludes there is no link. Then a doofus Republican on the commission, John Lehman, says that "at least one officer of Saddam's Fedayeen," an elite army unit, "was a very prominent member of al-Qaida." Well, this idea seems to have come from the Wall Street Journal Editorial page on May 27. Then this lie was continued by the Weekly Standard on June 7. The link between the Iraqi officer and Al-Qaeda was discovered by the controversial Pentagon intelligence unit under Douglas Feith (I.E. the same lying neo-con propaganda organization that had fed us so much worthless information already). Worse of all, the congressman probably believed what he was saying, and the people believed him, after all he is on the 9-11 commission, he must know more than we do.

Apparently, they got Ahmad Hikmat Shakir confused with a different man, Ahmad Hikmat Shakir al-Azzawi. Way to go neo-cons!!! Score one for the warmongers!

"The CIA concluded "a long time ago" that an al-Qaida associate who met with two of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Malaysia was not an officer in Saddam Hussein's army, as alleged Sunday by a Republican member of the 9/11 commission."
By Knut Royce
Washington Bureau
June 22, 2004

But the truth doesn't matter, the damage has been done and tens of millions of Republicans will not read the truth or explore outside their ideology and the lies fed to them by the right-wing untruth machine. This false link between the Iradi officer and Al-Qaeda is just one example of how the truth for the American right-wing is raped and tortured everyday.

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