July 12, 2007

Wondering about the United States Healthcare system?

I saw Sicko this week... twice. Moore's best movie. He really focuses in and doesn't stray from his point or show repetitive material.

Our healthcare system in the U.S. is just awful. There have been so many trips to specialists or MRI's or all sorts of preventative medicine that people I know and I have not gotten because these things costs hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

When I was younger I was able to get government health insurance for a short time because our family income was small enough (my mom has her master's and my dad his doctorate, but that doesn't meant shit in George Bush's economy). I was actually turned away from the doctor I had been going to my whole life at a nice clinic. They didn't accept the government insurance. Once they found out I had insurance I could not pay with cash. So here is a patient that is sick with an appointment to see a doctor and the doctor can not treat me. This story is just the simplest and most frustrating example of how our healthcare system is so controlled as to eliminate choice and freedom and make it so money is not even useful in the labyrinth.
These free-market ideologues talk about the market giving choices. It is such a cruel joke. Nobody here thinks that we should have to pay to call 911 or check with an insurance company before talking to the police, it is amazing that so many Americans view healthcare differently than other basic public services.


June 30, 2007

Diction Killers, Bad Sayings, and Commonly Mispronounced Words

1. "For Granted." Many people do not use this phrase correctly. This is a problem that can be corrected by simply thinking about what the words mean before we use it. 'For'... 'granted.' To take something for granted means you assume it is granted to you and always will be there. So to take your girlfriend for granted means you think she will be there no matter what.

2. "I could care less." Many people use this phrase which is meaningless. If you 'could care less' that means that you are not at the absolute bottom level of caring. People use this phrase when they mean to say "I couldN'T care less," indicating that their current level of caring about the subject is as low as possible.

3. "Often." This one just really irks me. Many of the commonly mispronounced words are often commonly misspelled as well. However, often is one of the few words in the English language in which knowing how to spell it correctly does not help us pronounce it. DO NOT pronounce the t! It is pronounced "ofen." The worst part about this is that inexperienced public speakers who are trying to be (over) articulate pronounce the t even harder and it is just painful for me to hear.

4. "You guys." The Wichita Eagle did a survey a number of years back and the #1 complaint at restaurants was not bad service or cold food, it was when servers use to the "you guys" to refer to a group of ladies or a mixed-sex party. Unless they are all guys, kapeesh?
